
Principal's recognition lunch Autumn term 2023

10 October 2023

Centre Principal, Lisa Richards held the first recognition lunch for nominated pupils this week. This half term, staff were asked to nominate students who have made a promising start to the academic year. 

The following students received nominations:

Ruby Collins

Nominated by Art & Design

"Ruby has made an excellent start to her A2 year producing some fantastic work in her personal investigation over the summer and the start of term. She is passionate, organised and motivated by her studies – some of which have taken many additional hours of independent study. She also helped the department during open evening and is always putting herself forward for extra enrichment and activities. Well done Ruby!"

Amy Butler

Nominated by Art & Design

"Despite some very difficult personal circumstances, Amy has continued to power through her personal investigations for her A2 subjects. In Fine Art, Graphics and Textiles Amy’s work goes above and beyond and we are all thrilled with the progress she has made. This is an opportunity for her hard work to be recognised and for her to have a reward after such a tough time lately."

Anthony Johnson

Nominated by Art & Design

"Anthony has begun college with such enthusiasm and desire to learn. He completes every task with a smile and is a positive influence on the group. Photography is a new subject for him and he is consistently applying himself every lesson to ensure he succeeds. Well done Anthony!"

Lilly Waite

Nominated by Biology & Applied Science

"On the back of a great A1 year, Lily has picked up where she left off demonstrating that she has maintained her high level of study over the summer. She performed very well in the recent Formal Assessment gaining the highest mark in the year group."

Ella Cafferky

Nominated by Biology & Applied Science

"Ella has made a very positive start to Biology and answers questions well in class.  Ella performed very well on her first assessment, dropping just one mark."

Anya Waugh

Nominated by Biology & Applied Science

"Anya has a great work ethic to her college course and has great attitude in class.  Added to this her attendance is also great."

Arman Islam

Nominated by Chemistry

"Nominated by Max Flint: Arman has done the best in his class on a recent assessment and in lessons he is making a very good start to the year with his positive attitude to class work and excellent self motivation."

Leo Norton

Nominated by Chemistry

"Nominated by Rob Murray-Green: Leo has made a great start to the A2 year. He is a very positive and motivated member of his new class and achieved an A on his first formal assessment this year."

Brooke Bamford

Nominated by Computer Science & Physics

"Brooke has had an exceptional start of the year in Computer Science, showing an excellent work ethic and dedication to computing and programming. Well done!"

Michael Simm

Nominated by Computer Science & Physics

"Michael has been an exceptional student in both Physics and Computer Science throughout the course, achieving phenomenal results in all assessments. We have been particularly impressed with the ease at which he tackles challenging concepts in Physics Olympiad level programs and hard programming challenges. Well done!"

Lucy Wood

Nominated by Performing Arts

"Lucy has been a fantastic student of Drama and Theatre, she has an incredibly mature approach to her studies and is honing her leadership skills which have grown astronomically since she was in her A1 year. She happily supports her peers and helps the department when ever she can. Thank you Lucy for all your hard work and I look forward to seeing how the rest of the year goes for you. Excellent job so far!"

Hayden Cooling

Nominated by Performing Arts

"Since starting the course Hayden has shown a real passion for Music, both in performance and production. He has made great use of the facilities to reinforce his learning, booking out the studio and practice rooms, and often helping other students by encouraging them and sharing his knowledge. He stayed to help out at open evening and was a great asset to the department. Overall, he has made an exceptional start to his studies by throwing himself in to everything with commitment, passion and a great level of motivation and interest."

Farzana Miah

Nominated by Law & Philosophy

"An excellent start to the A2 year after surprising underachieving in her progression exam. Farzana seems to have started the 2nd year of Philosophy, Ethics & Religion with a real determination to rectify the mistakes of the previous year. Not only has attendance been excellent, she also engages in every lesson."

Erin Elson

Nominated by Law & Philosophy

"Erin has made a very good start to PER at ASFC. Her enthusiasm for the course is second to none and she is always willing to participate in classroom discussions on ethics/morality."

Amber Webster

"Amber has made an excellent start to her study of Law at ASFC. Despite this being a new subject to her, she has an excellent understanding of law-related concepts, something she demonstrated in her first assessment in which she achieved an A*."

Yugo Tsukagoshi

Nominated by Maths

"Extremely keen student. Excellent result on his induction test, excellent within class and has already done lots of independent work outside of the lessons."

Emily Morgan-Jackson

Nominated by Maths

"Asks lots of question, both inside and outside of the lessons. Always goes above and beyond with the required work."

Harry Davies

Nominated by Maths

"Excellent start to his A2 year. In class he listens well, ask and answers questions readily and helps other that he sits with."

Joshua Miller

Nominated by English

"Joshua has made an excellent start to his study of English GCSE.  He has an excellent work ethic, always invests maximum effort and has a superb work rate.  Always brings a very positive, “can do” attitude to the subject."

Zuzanna Dubiel

Nominated by English

"Zuzanna has made a very impressive start to her studies of A Level English Language and Literature.  She is extremely positive and motivated and was recently an excellent subject ambassador at Open Evening sharing her enthusiasm for the subject to our potential students."

Anam Shami

Nominated by Digital Technology & Multimedia

"A2 Subsid IT. She is continually up to date with work, asks for extension tasks and helps others in class."

Mia Stevens

Nominated by Digital Technology & Multimedia

"A1 Film Studies. Has made an excellent start to the A1 year."

Salmaan Omar

Nominated by Digital Technology & Multimedia

"A2 Digital Games Production. Has made an excellent start to the A2 year – has been attending extra sessions and is always submitting excellent work to a high standard."

Fatima Arif

Nominated by Education & Health

"Fatima has made an excellent start to the T Level Health programme. She is submitting all her work on time and working really hard in class. Fatima has a lot of initiative and enthusiasm and already demonstrates some of the core qualities required of a health professional. Extremely well done Fatima!"

Cerys McCandless

Nominated by Education & Health

"Cerys’ work ethic is amazing. She has demonstrated her maturity and enthusiasm through class presentations, which have been delivered to a very high standard. The kindness she has shown to her peers as new students in college is lovely and her interactions with her teachers are always very positive. A fantastic start to the T Level Education programme, very well done Cerys."

Latitia Kotzen

Nominated by Education & Health

"Latitia has made a wonderful start to the BTEC Health and Social Care programme. She is very determined to do well and has adapted easily to the transition between school and college. Latitia is a highly motivated student with excellent communication skills which she demonstrates during lessons. She works extremely hard in class and has an abundance of future potential. An excellent start to your college course, very well done, Latitia!"

Amy Wilson

Nominated by Sports & Public Services

"Very positive approach to her Sport and Exercise Sciences coursework, which shows a great level of detail. Already played for the college netball team and helped out an open evening as an A1 student."

Jack Buxton

Nominated by Sports & Public Services

"Jack has impressed all his 3 teachers to date and is producing distinction standard work already. He is shows us a great level of academic writing already."

Ellis Detherbridge

Nominated by Sports & Public Services

"Ellis is working well with all his 3 teachers and has produced some detailed work for his land based activities units. He has also been helping others when needed. A great start!"

Sam Hallard

Nominated by Psychology & Criminology

"Sam Hallard is an extremely hardworking student who has in-depth Criminological knowledge. He is always willing to share this information with the class, in whole class discussions but will also help students on a one to one basis, if they are struggling. This indicates his ability to adapt to college life with ease as he has not struggled to form great working relationships in class. He is an absolute credit to my Criminology Class!"

 Erin Dutu

Nominated by Psychology & Criminology

"Please can I nominate Erin. She has made an amazing start to her Psychology studies. The induction work that Erin completed was a very high standard and she went over and above the requirements to provide detailed and well-presented work. Erin is a very conscientious student who is already showing so much promise in this subject. Her attendance is perfect and she is excellent at meeting deadlines for work set. I am looking forward to working with Erin this year and helping her to realise her potential in this subject.  Keep up the great work Erin!"

Seb Bainbridge-Coombs 

Nominated by Psychology & Criminology

"Seb has made a really positive start to the year. All the members of staff who know Seb always say what a polite, friendly student he is. In Criminology he goes over and above, always contributes his amazing ideas in lessons, has outstanding criminal case knowledge and is a really valued member of the class. Criminology would not be the same without him, he has a really bright future ahead."

Caitlyn Richardson

Nominated by Psychology & Criminology

"I would offer Caitlyn Richardson A2 Psychology, who helped out at open evening. She is really engaged in lessons and very helpful to staff and students."

Emma Lowry

Nominated by Spanish

"Self –disciplined with a love of learning and a growth mindset. Emma tries hard and achieves her goals. She is consistent and persistent. She partners with teacher creating a strong relationship. She knows when she is need and does not hesitate to offer her help for Open evening and other College events, where she plays an excellent role as a subject ambassador."

Tyler Butters

Nominated by Inclusive Learning

"Tyler has settled really well in his first few weeks, considering his anxiety when he started. He works hard, both academically and socially: making new friends on his courses. He uses the IL base during study periods; and works independently."

Josh Aspin

Nominated by Inclusive Learning

"Josh has settled well during his first few weeks at college. He is a confident and proactive individual, fully engaged with course content. He actively seeks out additional content outside of the classroom to aid his learning, as well as getting involved with a range of enrichment activities."

Tasmina Ali

Nominated by Humanities

"She has made a great start, enthusiastic about her subject, always completing work to a high standard, getting involved in leading debate and respectfully challenging differing viewpoints. In addition, she helps to motivate others around her."

Archie McLaren

Nominated by Humanities

"Always positive, proactive and engaged in lessons. Prepared to put himself forward in class discussion regularly despite his stammer. Challenges ideas and thinks carefully about his work.  Works well with others. Homework always of an excellent standard."

Ellie 香港六合彩

Nominated by Humanities

"Is a valuable member of the sociology class - she is happy to answer questions in class and join in class discussions and takes the leadership role in group activities. She has also produced a good first piece of assessed work, down to her effort."

Tom Stackhouse

Nominated by Humanities

"Tom has made a superb start to Geography. Knowledgeable, intelligent and erudite he is showing real promise for the subject."

Meriam Albajouri

Nominated by Business

"Meriam has joined BTEC Business In1Yr and has made a strong start with a positive impression from the very beginning for both Business teachers. Meriam has shown a keen interest in the subject, completing all tasks before the stated deadline and is happy to volunteer answers and drive conversation during group discussions. Well done Meriam."

Carys Lomax

Nominated by Business

"Carys takes everything in her stride and deserves to be recognised as a student who has shown great resilience, managing various external impacts without letting this impact her motivation to succeed in Business. Well done Carys."

Sophie Clarke

Nominated by Business

"I have taught Sophie in Y1 and will continue to teach her in Y2, in which she has always been a model student. Sophie is committed, diligent, motivated and achieved a brilliant result in her Y1 external summer exam. Well done Sophie."

Jacob Tohill

Nominated by Sport Enrichment Coordinator, Russell Fryer

"Despite playing in a losing side, he showed a great level of resilience and maturity and never gave up, what a great role model!"

Miya Burke

Nominated by Sport Enrichment Coordinator, Russell Fryer

"Been a role model in the rugby trials and training, shown such a positive attitude and also engaged really well with 香港六合彩 Elite."



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